Arena Rajoelina is the first born son of the Malagasy head of state Andry Rajoelina

Arena Rajoelina is the 21-year-old son of Andry Nirina Rajoelina, the president of Madagascar. Having been ushered into the world of entrepreneurship from an early age, as a descendant of a family of entrepreneurs, Arena has been under the spotlight throughout most of his life.

Despite being the son of Madagascar’s most influential political figure, Arena is a down-to-earth young adult that has inspired hundreds of thousands of his compatriots, neighbours, and friends with his humility, proactivity, and an unbridled desire to give back to Madagascar’s communities. 

He is frequently helping Malagasy communities plant seeds and regrow forests, bolstering the efforts of solidarity kitchens, and contributing in any way he can. 

Some of his favorite daily activities revolve around spending quality time with his family, enjoying the company of his friends, and engaging in sports activities. 

He graduated with honors from the select Swiss school Collège du Léman, with a Baccalauréat Économique et Sociale. He is currently studying at the most prestigious Hospitality business school in the world: the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne Business School.

Arena Rajoelina does not like to show off his status and treats everyone with respect. Whether it be at school, at events, or on city streets, Arena is ready and eager to help those in need, embodying the proverb “lead by example” to the letter. 

Several fan pages across various social media platforms were formed as a token of appreciation for Arena’s work, garnering well above 300,000 followers in total. These pages are a testament to Arena’s commitment to improving the quality of life of his fellow Madagascans.

The humble character of Arena Rajoelina was perfectly described by Malagasy local newspapers, stating: 

“Arena Rajoelina is a young man who does not like to show off his life. He places more value on living simply, pursuing his interests, spending time with his loved ones, and engaging in sportive activities. He shows warmth and respect to everyone. In his dealings with others around him, he does not create a distinction based on social class or status. Despite the fact that his physical features draw attention, his humility and character serve as the strongest examples of his values.”

Contact Details

Contact Person: Arena Rajoelina

Contact Email:

Country: Madagascar


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