Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson fulfills UFC fighter Themba Gorimbo’s dream in an emotional encounter at the gym.

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson fulfills UFC fighter Themba Gorimbo’s dream in an emotional encounter at the gym.

Gorimbo, who had only $7 in his account before a UFC Fight Night, caught Johnson’s attention on social media, as the actor could relate to his struggle from his own early days. 

The Rock, who flew down just to meet Themba, was moved by Themba’s story of selling his fight gear for $7,000 and using the money to build a water pump for his village in Zimbabwe despite only having $7 to his name. 


The two finally met in person, leaving Gorimbo deeply moved and grateful for the life-changing experience. 

That’s not all! 

Legendary Dwayne Johnson ‘The Rock’ gifts Zimbabwean UFC fighter Themba Gorimbo a fully furnished house in Miami

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, also known as “the people’s champ” bought UFC fighter Themba Gorimbo a house! 

This warms the heart with tears of joy in the eyes! So touching! 

What a story! What a blessing to watch, experience, celebrate and contribute to this!

Who’s cutting onions? We’re all crying! LOVE THIS! 

We live not only for ourselves but also for others.  The biggest gesture to humanity is kindness and goodwill towards others. Thanks @therock for reminding us of who we are as humans! 

The Rock couldn‘t have been of help to someone more thankful and appreciative. This man is blessed and also a blessing to his family and people. We pray he makes it to the top! 

The Rock said: “We’ve never met but I had to fly to Miami to look this man Themba Gorimbo in the eyes, hug him and shake his hand. I’ve been moved & motivated by his story. He recently won his first fight in the UFC. He had $7 bucks in his bank account when he won. He sleeps on a couch in the gym. After the fight, he sold his fight gear (trunks & gloves) on line and made $7,000. Instead of using the money to find a place to live, he built a bush pump so his village back in Zimbabwe can have clean water. He never asked me for anything, but I just wanted to help the guy out. $7 Bucks ya know. And I felt the MANA & emotion in every hug. Very good and very special day!”

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